Monday, January 10, 2011

When it rains, it pours. In my experience though when you poop, you have diarrhea. Yesterday started off pretty shaky. I'm trying to be a bit of a personal trainer for my wife as she is trying to get in shape too now, but I got a bit carried away with the tough love/drill sargent approach. She let me know that I need to tone in down in the way only a wife knows how :) I felt extra bad about being a douche because when we went out today she surprised me and got me some Vibram running shoes.

I got the Vibram Sport Trek model. Here's the standard catalog image of 'em. I'll have more pictures later tonight because I went and got an iphone yesterday as well. Actually, we bought a new one off a friend and Dana is giving me her old iphone. It pretty much went down like this (click on the image to read how it went):

So I went to the gym yesterday and tried out the new Vibrams. I hadn't been to the gym since Friday when I ran a quick 5k because I wanted to have a date night with Dana. I ate soup in a bread bowl both Friday and Saturday. Is there anything more delicious than soup in edible containers? Between that and the chess pie and Reese's cheesecake I had for desert each night respectively, I was cheating on my diet like I was married to Sandra Bullock. So Sunday I ran with the Vibrams first.

I got about as far as 0.34 miles (~0.5K) before my arches (or lack thereof) where getting shredded and I had to put on my old running shoes (when I did it was cool because I went back out in the cold weather and I saw steam coming off my feet). After I switched out shoes I ran my fastest 3 miles since I started running again, 3 miles in 29.33 minutes. I hope to write more after I go to the gym tonight with Dana for the first time, so we'll see how it goes. Remember what I said about when it rains it pours? Yeah, I gotta poop again.

1 comment:

  1. dear ryan,
    though your mission is quite serious, I thoroughly enjoy the humor you add to it. Keep up the good work cap'n!
