Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Love in Spanish is "Mexican Food"

Lily (my daughter-did I even mention that?) was sick last night, started throwing up around 2 am. Didn't get to bed til 4; luckily school was canceled. Had to take her to the doctor. Don't know why Dana has a sadistic smile one her face.

We dropped her after at Dana's mom and ran some errands while she napped. Got a cop job application, gas, and lunch at Puerto Vallarta. Bean burrito, cheese enchilada, and rice. Writing this with a Mexican food baby growing inside me.

Dana and I hadn't been there in a year or two, so I took a quick picture of this pole we always parked by. Banksy has really gotten lazy.

Gotta wait for this food to settle so I can go run off all this crap I ate.

EDIT: I want this cover for my phone.

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