Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Taco Bell Hell

I'm never eating a full plate of food again. From now on, only what fits in the palms of both of my hands. I thought I was okay with how much I ate, but it just sat like a rock in my stomach all night. I didn't even get to the gym 'til after 8, and even then I nearly puked on the treadmill. I v'urped in my mouth while running and blew a spit bubble the size of a silver dollar, so lesson learned. I was really fretting the physical requirements for the police officer position, so much that I was on the verge of giving myself an ulcer. The requirement is to run 1.5 miles in preferably under 16:15 minutes. Queso-covered food-baby aside, I managed to pull out a 14:02. My times tonight were:

1.5 miles: 14:02
3 miles: 34:27
5k: 36:50

Me après running:

I wasn't that worried after I pulled out the 1.5 mile'r, so I ran at a slower time with a 6% incline so I toned my leg core and burned 400 calories fairly quickly. My biggest concern is the bench press requirement. The ideal bench press is 73% or more of your body weight (I did an early weigh-in and was at 246 lbs.), so benching at least 176.8 lbs. I was freaking out alot but got on a nautilus bench press machine and pulled out something just shy of 190 lbs. I'd heard nautilus results are a certain percentage less than an equal freeweight excercise, and the staff confirmed but couldn't specify how much.
Oh well, I'm still elated; such a big weight off my shoulders. I still need to work in some physical exercise other than running (including push-ups, sit-ups, and a 300m sprint), but I was thinking the bench press would tank me. Now I just have a ton of paperwork I need to get sorted together...

I wish I was still in this kind of shape (minus the awkward art-class-project-pose).

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