Monday, January 24, 2011


Been awhile since my last post, but a while heckuva lot has been going on. Last week I weighed myself. Sub 240; I'd be happy but I wanna keep pushing so I can get to my target weight sooner.

Lean Cuisine Steamers. Love 'em. Get 'em.

Got some new jeans. When I started this blog I was well into a 40. I held out until now to grab some new jeans. These are a size 36 and were a big snug but now fit really nice. Oh and they're from TJ Maxx, so $90 jeans for $15. Yes, please.

Probably the biggest news though is I can finally get my wedding ring off. When I started this blog I had a goal to lose enough weight so that I could yank it off, I knew that when I could that I was close to my goal. It took some good tuggin', but now its off. Left a nice imprint in my big 'ol pickle-finger. Only trouble is now I'm scared to put it back on.

Also, selling some old guitar gear. Lemme know if your interested.

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