Monday, January 17, 2011

Noticing A Theme Here...

Man, what a lousy, dreary day. Woke up with the best intentions; my new standard breakfast of half a peanut butter sandwich and some water, this time with a very festive Greek yogurt for MLK Day. I'm noticing a theme here of just posting food. I dunno if this is a good thing or not...Oh well, pretty pictures are better than just a wall-o-text I suppose.

Ran around trying to get stuff done and was pretty unsuccessful in getting anything done, other than getting annoying and pissing off Dana. Now that I think about it, I don't think I ate anything for lunch. Meh.

Ran at the gym, then did a little bench press before I called it a day; today was just lousy and drawn out, even my workout. Came home and made this for lunch. Its equal parts Asian, Greek, and White Trash. Fake Crab + hummus on bread = a tasty treat.

Today's over. Good.

Wait, now I remember: I had a banana and a handful of almonds for lunch. No pictures though, sorry.

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