Sunday, November 28, 2010

Went for a run today. I took this route today, and according to it was approx. 2.74 miles, or 4.4 km.
It was okay, I had to stop on the way back, but it was because of my Achilles heel when I'm running. I try to plan my runs out so that I have ample time to let my food digest, and I can do my business before a run. But somehow it almost always seems that a mile into a run I have to poop. Bad. Its like all that movement shakes all the poop in me loose and sends it rattling down like a bunch of loose change in a coin purse down into my sphincter. So I had to stop and walk a bit to quit the epic pains it brought on and it really brought my morale down. Anyhow, I think next run I'm gonna have a go at this run, since it is a calculated 3.19 miles (5.1k). If it works out I think I'll run this for the next few weeks.
Eventually I'd like to get a run going that's 4.32 miles (6.9k), since I calculated my old run I did back in the day and that's what I got.

I think I'm going to take a day off tomorrow so my joints can rest up and heal, since that's what got me a few months ago when I started up running again. That, as well as I don't know if I can squeeze in running with my schedule on Mondays and Wednesdays. Switching gears now, I've come across and been inspired by Ben Davis's blog, which brings me to a topic that I think alot of people can relate to. The first time I lost 100+ lbs., I was alot like Ben; a student with alot of free time, loose capital I could sink into my venture, and took myself and my life to be priority #1. But now I'm married. And a father. And go to school. And work part time. I've got alot on my plate that can't be moved and doesn't leave me with the best schedule to plan yet another life-changing task.
Don't get me wrong, I'm inspired by Ben and his ethic and not trying to discredit him, I'm just saying the card's are more heavily stacked against me this time around. But that'll make the reward that much more sweeter.  

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