Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ran my 5k route this morning in 42 minutes. It was raining and in the mid 40's, so I dressed appropriately.
I also thought about mugging an old lady and robbing a bank, but thought against it. I ran nonstop for a good 0.9 miles or 1.5K before I started walking, and was pretty much stop and go run-walk for about half a mile before I finished up at full tilt. Considering I'm 260+ lbs. and my shoes were wet and bogged down I think I did ok. Would still like to do better.

Motivation like that is what I'm looking for to keep going with this and not flake out like I've done so many times for two years now. I'll address Ben's questions about diet and getting started on running/exercising later tonight, gotta go to class.

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