Friday, December 31, 2010

So, it’s been awhile, eh? Not that there’s many people reading this I imagine, but I’ve been away for so long, but I promise you I’ve been diligent in my exercise regimen. Schools out for break, and I’ve been maintaining a steady diet of carb and protein-rich food not totaling a daily intake of approximately 1200-1400 calories. I’ve also moved indoors, working out ate my local gym. We got some snow—about 4 inches, not 3 or 4 feet like people acted—and I just didn’t want to risk twisting or rolling an ankle on a patch of ice. It’s bad enough I have to run on crumbly sidewalks in the ghetto that no city officials give a crap about, so I moved inside to the treadmill. I hate treadmills, but I’ve been mixing it up with some bicycle work and it’s been good for my quads. I lost 20 lbs., so it was cool to go down a shirt size from an Old Navy XXL to an American Eagle XXL. Pretty sad, but its nice to show at least some improvement.

And then Christmas Came.

I kept my routine up six days a week, running a 5k and biking for 5-6 miles, with one day a week off. I kept it up all the way up to Christmas Eve, and decided its freaking Christmas, I’m entitled to eat a slice of pie and have a good time. I took that idea and I embellished it. It hasn’t helped that I’ve been surrounded with food that is covered in icing or chocolate or some form of diet-debilitating food. I got it out of the house, and yesterday I was feeling great when I ran 5.5 miles strait before getting some major blisters.

I finished out with a 6.2 mile bike ride before heading home. About this time I should mention that my wife and daughter have been sick for the past week or so, and I’ve been quarantining myself on the living room couch. I finally spent the night in my own bed, and now I have giant sinus infection. Crap. So just as I’m making steady improvement with my workout I face another setback. At least I’m lucky enough to have Santa drop off a Bluray player for Christmas with a Netflix subscription. Oh. My. God. I’ve watched like 30+ hours of TV in the past three days and only an hour of its not been on Netflix.

So I’m ringing in the new year with a head cold, and apologize for the lack of quality in this posting, but I make a New Years Resolution to try and update on a daily basis as much as possible.